The WD Elements Desktop 8TB ("WDBWLG0080HBK-EESN") external drive was bought in the middle of the 2019.
On the enclosure is WDBWLG0080HBK-0B enclosure size is same as 5TB one.
The drive inside is reported by the Windows 10 as WDC WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0

CrystalDiskInfo 6.5.2 (C) 2008-2015 hiyohiyo
Crystal Dew World :
       Enclosure : WD Elements 25A3 USB Device (V=1058, P=25A3, sa1) - wd
           Model : WDC WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0
        Firmware : 83.H0A83
   Serial Number : ***
       Disk Size : 8001,5 GB (8,4/137,4/8001,5/8001,5)
     Buffer Size : Unknown
     Queue Depth : 32
    # of Sectors : 15628053168
   Rotation Rate : 5400 RPM
       Interface : USB (Serial ATA)
   Major Version : ACS-2
   Minor Version : ATA8-ACS version 4
   Transfer Mode : SATA/600 | SATA/600
  Power On Hours : 0 hours
  Power On Count : 6 count
     Temperature : 38 C (100 F)
   Health Status : Good
        Features : S.M.A.R.T., APM, 48bit LBA, NCQ
       APM Level : 00A4h [ON]
       AAM Level : ----

-- S.M.A.R.T. --------------------------------------------------------------
ID Cur Wor Thr RawValues(6) Attribute Name
01 100 100 _16 000000000000 Read Error Rate
02 100 100 _54 000000000000 Throughput Performance
03 100 100 _24 000700000000 Spin-Up Time
04 100 100 __0 000000000006 Start/Stop Count
05 100 100 __5 000000000000 Reallocated Sectors Count
07 100 100 _67 000000000000 Seek Error Rate
08 100 100 _20 000000000000 Seek Time Performance
09 100 100 __0 000000000000 Power-On Hours
0A 100 100 _60 000000000000 Spin Retry Count
0C 100 100 __0 000000000006 Power Cycle Count
16 100 100 _25 000000000064 Vendor Specific
C0 100 100 __0 000000000006 Power-off Retract Count
C1 100 100 __0 000000000006 Load/Unload Cycle Count
C2 171 171 __0 002600190026 Temperature
C4 100 100 __0 000000000000 Reallocation Event Count
C5 100 100 __0 000000000000 Current Pending Sector Count
C6 100 100 __0 000000000000 Uncorrectable Sector Count
C7 200 200 __0 000000000000 UltraDMA CRC Error Count
*** DiskCheckup V3.4 Build: 1003 Report ***

SysInfo DLL Version:                                                  SysInfo v1.0 Build: 1122
Time of export:                                                       ***

Device information:                                                   
   Device ID:                                                         2
   Interface:                                                         USB
   Device Capacity:                                                   7630851 MB
   Serial Number:                                                     7HJZ4DGF
   Model Number:                                                      WDC WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0
   Firmware Revision:                                                 83.H0A83
      F:         7630850 MB

ATA information:                                                      

   Disk geometry:                                                     
      Cylinders:                                                      972797
      Tracks/Cylinder:                                                255
      Sectors/Track:                                                  63
      Bytes/Sector:                                                   512
      Total disk sectors:                                             15628053168
      Logical sector size:                                            512
      Physical sector size:                                           4096
      Media rotation rate:                                            5400 RPM
      Buffer size:                                                    N/A
      ECC size:                                                       56 Bytes

   Standards compliance:                                              
      ATA8-ACS Supported:                                             Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-7 Supported:                                          Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-6 Supported:                                          Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-5 Supported:                                          Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-4 Supported:                                          Yes
      SATA Compliance:                                                Yes
         SATA Gen3 Signaling Speed (6.0Gb/s) Supported:               Yes
         SATA Gen2 Signaling Speed (3.0Gb/s) supported:               Yes
         SATA Gen1 Signaling Speed (1.5Gb/s) supported:               Yes
      Transport Type:                                                 Serial
         SATA 3.0 Transport Compilance:                               Yes
         SATA 2.6 Transport Compilance:                               Yes
         SATA 2.5 Transport Compilance:                               Yes
         SATA II: Ext Transport Compilance:                           Yes
         SATA 1.0a Transport Compilance:                              Yes
         ATA8-AST Transport Compilance:                               Yes
   World Wide ID:                                                     5000CCA257E9E2AA

   Feature support:                                                   
      SMART supported:                                                Yes
         SMART enabled:                                               Yes
      SMART self-test supported:                                      Yes
      SMART error log supported:                                      Yes
      LBA supported:                                                  Yes
      IORDY supported:                                                Yes
      CFast supported:                                                No
      DMA supported:                                                  Yes
         Maximum Multiword DMA mode supported:                        2
         Multiword DMA selected:                                      2
         Maximum UltraDMA mode supported:                             6
         UltraDMA selected:                                           None
      Maximum PIO mode supported:                                     4
      SATA Compliance:                                                Yes
         NCQ priority information supported:                          Yes
         Unload while NCQ commands are outstanding supported:         No
         Phy Event Counters supported:                                Yes
         Receipt of power management requests supported:              Yes
         NCQ feature set supported:                                   Yes
         Software Settings Preservation:                              Supported, Disabled
         In-order data delivery:                                      Supported, Disabled
         Initiating power management:                                 Supported, Disabled
         DMA Setup auto-activation:                                   Supported, Disabled
         Non-zero buffer offsets:                                     Supported, Disabled
      Trusted Computing supported:                                    No
      Host Protected Area (HPA) supported:                            Yes
      Read look-ahead supported:                                      Yes
         Read look-ahead enabled:                                     Yes
      Write cache supported:                                          Yes
         Write cache enabled:                                         Yes
      Power management supported:                                     Yes
      Security mode supported:                                        Yes
         Security mode enabled:                                       No
      Device Configuration Overlay (DCO) supported:                   Yes
      48bit Addressing supported:                                     Yes
      Auto Acoustic Managment (AAM) supported:                        No
      Power-up in Standby (PUIS) supported:                           Yes
         Power-up in Standby (PUIS) enabled:                          No
      Advanced Power Management (APM) supported:                      Yes
         Advanced Power Management (APM) enabled:                     Yes
         Current APM level:                                           Intermediate power management levels without Standby
      CompactFlash Association (CFA) supported:                       No
      General Purpose Logging (GPL) supported:                        Yes
      Streaming supported:                                            Yes
      Media card pass through supported:                              No
      Extended power conditions supported:                            Yes
         Extended power conditions enabled:                           No
      Extended status reporting supported:                            Yes
         Extended status reporting enabled:                           No
      Write-read-verify supported:                                    No
      Free-fall control supported:                                    No
      TRIM command supported:                                         No
      SCT command transport supported:                                Yes
      NV Cache enabled:                                               No
      NV Cache Power Management supported:                            No

 ID    Description                             Status        Value         Worst         Threshold     Raw Value     TEC                 
  1    Raw Read Error Rate                     OK            100           100           16            0             N/A                 
  2    Throughput Performance                  OK            100           100           54            0             N/A                 
  3    Spin Up Time                            OK            100           100           24            30064771072    N/A                 
  4    Start/Stop Count                        OK            100           100           0             6             N/A                 
  5    Reallocated Sector Count                OK            100           100           5             0             N/A                 
  7    Seek Error Rate                         OK            100           100           67            0             N/A                 
  8    Seek Time Performance                   OK            100           100           20            0             N/A                 
  9    Power On Time                           OK            100           100           0             0             N/A                 
 10    Spin Retry Count                        OK            100           100           60            0             N/A                 
 12    Power Cycle Count                       OK            100           100           0             6             N/A                 
 22    (Unknown attribute)                     OK            100           100           25            100           N/A                 
192    Power off Retract Count                 OK            100           100           0             6             N/A                 
193    Load Cycle Count                        OK            100           100           0             6             N/A                 
194    Temperature                             OK            203           203           0             32 C          N/A                 
196    Reallocation Event Count                OK            100           100           0             0             N/A                 
197    Current Pending Sector Count            OK            100           100           0             0             N/A                 
198    Uncorrectable Sector Count              OK            100           100           0             0             N/A                 
199    UltraDMA CRC Error Count                OK            200           200           0             0             N/A
CrystalDiskMark benchmark (4K & SEQ read,write):
Name:  2019-WD-Ellements-Desktop-8-TB-WD80-EMAZ-00-WJTA0-Crystal-Disk-Mark-b.jpg
Views: 442
Size:  15.9 KB
When i compare it to my 5TB Elements drive, it shows this 8TB drive is much faster in random reads & writes (5TB one does somewhere around 2MB/s 4K where 8TB one does like 26MB/s reads and 4.5MB/s writes). It means (per my knowledge) that the 8TB one can do more small operations per the time interval. I think it does it for the cost of a little bit more noisy reads or writes).