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Thread: Types of DDoS attack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Types of DDoS attack?

    Please what type of DDoS attack you know, which one is most common?
    - TCP SYN Flood
    - TCP SYN-ACK Reflection Flood (DRDoS)
    - TCP Spoofed SYN Flood
    - TCP ACK Flood
    - TCP IP Fragmented Attack
    - HTTP and HTTPS Flood Attacks
    - ICMP Echo Request Flood
    - UDP Flood Attack
    - DNS Amplification Attacks

  2. #2
    Junior Member JasonRoberge's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Is this useful / helpfull? Yes | No
    Types of DDoS Attacks are:-
    SYN Flood
    UDP Flood
    HTTP Flood
    Ping of Death
    Smurf Attack
    Fraggle Attack
    Application Level Attacks
    NTP Amplification
    Advanced Persistent DoS
    Zero-day DDoS, etc.
    But, according to my opinion, the HTTP Flood attack is the most common attack that happens often. We can use security system or software to secure our data from external attacks.

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