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Thread: How to get more traffic on websites ?

  1. #1

    How to get more traffic on websites ?


    Please help me...How to get more traffic on websites ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

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    google: ways to increase web traffic

    - buying an banner/text ad spot on an related webpage
    - become sponsor of something which is related to your webpage
    - publish more useful content & make sure it is indexed in Google
    - be active on forums having your website in your signature under your posts
    - think how you can use social media sites to promote your site

  3. #3

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    Which one is the best way to increase the traffic ?

    Hello friends,

    I am interested to know that Which one is the best way to increase the traffic on my site ? tell me ..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

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    There are many way to increase online traffic at website it may be free or paid way of optimization. Search engine optimization and social media provides organic and referral traffic at website and you can also choose paid promotion such as banner ad, display ads and Pay per click techniques.

  5. #5

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    Do quality work, Daily update website , Daily Update social pages, SEO ROUTINE WORK.

  6. #6
    Senior Member jjohanson's Avatar
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    Delhi, India

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    I think if you need instant traffic then you can use ppc ads, other wise you can do social media optimization and guest blogging.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    sumbit quality content in website ,daily make small small changes in your website,social media promotions like facebook,twitter,linkdin,google plus....

  8. #8

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    Quality backlinks, fresh content and social media promotion all these techniques are very helpful to increase traffic on website.

  9. #9
    Junior Member alishasmith's Avatar
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    Create the social media accounts and it will help you to generate the traffic to your website. You can also create a blog on your website and update the post regular. It will help to increase traffic on your website as google loves to fresh content on your website.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    There are several ways to increase web traffic. You can promote your site/brand via social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn). For SEO, you can do blog and forum postings, guest and blog posting, directory submission. For me the most organic is to do blog and guest posting. For blogs, you can create several blog accts from Tumblr, Wordrpress, Blogger, etc. and create your blog post and add a link to your site. For guest posting, you can reach out different sites and ask if you can create an article for them that has relevance to your site and add a backlink. Just remember to consider the ones that has relevant to your content to avoid being penalized by google. You can also hire a consultant or a firm to handle your website marketing needs. They may be able to help you well especially that they know more strategies. If you are undecided yet, you can see some guides here on how a service provider can help you with link building.

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