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Thread: How to add website in zPanel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    How to add website in zPanel

    Login zPanel
    Home / Server Admin / ZPanel Config, change "Server IP Address" value to be your server IP
    Home / Domain Management / Domains / Create new domain
    Home / Domain Management / DNS Manager , edit your domain, "Create records" button

    Login your domain registar control panel (domain registar is where you registered your domain) and discover on how to "register nameservers". (In case you ordered domain from InstantCpanelHosting, here is how to register them: go to Client Area / Domains / My Domains / Manage Domain / Management Tools / Register Nameservers. First nameserver will be ns1 and second ns2. The IP is your VPS/server IP)

    ns1.yourdomainhere.tld + VPS/server IP
    ns2.yourdomainhere.tld + VPS/server IP
    (replace yourdomain.tld by your real domain name)

    Change your domain nameservers to become ones you just registered (ns1... ns2...). (If domain was ordered from InstantCpanelHosting, then change nameservers from Client Area / Domains / My Domains / Manage Domain / Nameservers.) This way domain will point to your server. You may then verify domain at to see if there is any serious issue.
    Home / Database Management / MySQL Database, create new database
    Home / Database Management / MySQL Users, create new user for that mysql
    Home / Database Management / phpMyAdmin, login using db name and username previously created
    Click database name and choose "Import" tab to import database file/backup

    Now upload website files, one can use FTP (Home / File Management / FTP Accounts) or SCP client like FileZilla or WinSCP to connect server via SSH. The directory to upload files should be: /var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/yourdomainHERE_tld/
    files should have apache:apache permission, so i do this command via SSH or SCP client: chown -R apache:apache /var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/yourdomainHERE_tld

    Then i do following SSH/SCP commands to assign appropriate permissions to the files and folders:
    find /var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html -type f -iname "*.php*" -exec chmod 644 {} \;
    find /var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html -type d ! -iname "*tmpl_c*" -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    chmod 777 /var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/*

  2. #2
    Junior Member imort's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

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    Home / Domain Management / DNS Manager , edit your domain, Create records
    that way DNS records should have been created.
    It's not so obvious as we usually can think.
    Most people just doesn't know how the DNS works, which records do they need to create, when and where it needs to be done, etc.
    If you have bought your domain from some register service and they can provide you their nameservers for storing your DNS zone data, then you need to create one DNS records total: A type record named after your website name and pointed to it IP address.

    But if you have your own DNS servers then you'll need to create one or two NS records as shown in the quote.

    It's really quite a complex task for many users, you can look here for short explanation too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by imort View Post
    If you have bought your domain from some register service and they can provide you their nameservers for storing your DNS zone data
    Many domain registars can allow registering nameservers, like:

    ns1.yourdomain.tld -> yourwebhostingserverIP
    ns2.yourdomain.tld -> yourwebhostingserverIP

    Once it is registered, one can use above registered nameservers for his domain (change domainīs nameservers):

    - domainineedtohost.tld
    ...|__ ns1.yourdomain.tld
    ...|__ ns2.yourdomain.tld

    That way domain redirects visitors to "yourwebhostingserverIP" (the IP is hidden behind nameservers we registered and used for the domain).

    Next step i assume would be adding domain name from within your webhosting server control panel. Control panel should create DNS zone automatically and everything should start working (once DNS change is propagated across internet service provider servers in usually 72 hours)

  4. #4
    Junior Member Marco Hardy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

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    I found my idea for business in this article -,
    now I have a profit on buying and selling web domains.: о

  5. #5

    Is this useful / helpfull? Yes | No
    WHM interface is very easy to manage. If you want to create new WHM account then you can check create account in WHM.
    Login to WHM >> Create aNew Account >> enter details >> Click on Create.

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