How one can backup certain folder to remote linux server while encrypting data so no one can read them at remote server in one fcking command?
Duplicity (man page) can be used for this purpose.
Official page:
Positives: based on rsync, incremental by default, allows pgp encryption on the fly, support scp and ftp
Negatives: epel (redhat) repository is needed on CentOS
Option A)
Open and copy package url which fits your linux centos version ("uname -a" to get version)
install rpm
rpm -ivh downloadedpackagename
complaining about Failed dependencies? Try to add option "--nodeps" to rpm command
Option B)
DL & Install EPEL redhat software repository which includes Duplicity and then use "yum install duplicity" to install it.
complaining about Failed dependencies? Try to add option "--skip-broken" to yum command
One time Generate GPG key to use for encryption/decryption
and save it to safe place on your server + on another safe external place
Backup command SCP:
Restore command SCP:
Backup command SCP + encryption
Restore command SCP + decryption
Backup command FTP:
Duplicity manual page: