On the CentOS 6 server with kloxoMR, i found it failed to start named

[root@fq log]# service named start
Starting named: [FAILED]
and this was inside /var/log/messages

Apr 16 07:59:07 fq named[31390]: the working directory is not writable
Apr 16 07:59:07 fq named[31390]: isc_stdio_open '/var/log/named/default.log' failed: permission denied
Apr 16 07:59:07 fq named[31390]: configuring logging: permission denied
Apr 16 07:59:07 fq named[31390]: loading configuration: permission denied
Apr 16 07:59:07 fq named[31390]: exiting (due to fatal error)
i checked permission of the /var/log/named

ls -l /var/log/named
and it was root:root

so i checked what is user group name for named:
[root@fq log]# groups named
named : named
[root@fq log]# groups bind
groups: bind: No such user
so i changed that directory authorized user from root to named:

chown named:named /var/log/named
and named started this time:

[root@fq log]# service named start
Starting named: [ OK ]
"not writable" kind of error maight be ignored probably, see: https://superuser.com/questions/1097407/named-the-working-directory-is-not-writable