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Thread: [solved] Session SOGS community server SQL triggers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Post [solved] Session SOGS community server SQL triggers

    Here You can find information about https://getsession.org/ messenger open community server (SOGS) SQL triggers to deal with SPAM and to reduce abuse.

    A) use tool and triggers list https://codeberg.org/gravel/pysogs-sql-triggers (possibly better, more complete/complex solution)

    # Setting up PySOGS SQL CLI:
    cd /var/lib/session-open-group-server/ # possibly it is good to install into a folder you regularly backup
    git clone https://codeberg.org/gravel/pysogs-sql-cli && cd pysogs-sql-cli; sudo usermod -aG _loki $USER && sudo chmod g+w /var/lib/session-open-group-server/sogs.db && ./test.sh && echo "export PATH="$PWD/bin:\$PATH"" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

    # Installing SQL triggers:
    cd /var/lib/session-open-group-server/pysogs-sql-cli/ # go to a directory of the previously installed pysogs-sql-cli
    git clone https://codeberg.org/gravel/pysogs-sql-triggers/ && mv pysogs-sql-triggers/sql/*.sqlite sql/

    # customizing triggers
    View all trigger files and adjust it to your needs if needed. For example look for XXXX and replace by a number and similar.
    nano *.sqlite

    # Running the tool:
    sogsfilters # then use arrow keys, enter or q

    # Debugging
    sudo journalctl -f # this should follow system, SOGS messages
    Try to do an action in Session, which triggers the triggers to see if it worked/no error emitted.

    B) if you do not want to use that convenient tool, you may manually use following scripts/triggers (following triggers are only part of what the pysogs-sql-cli offers)

    PM/DM disabling:
    Disallow only new regular users from sending private messages while allowing older users (helps reducing spam and illegal content spreading) - based on this Oddchat article:
    cd /var/lib/session-open-group-server/ && sudo wget -qc  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slrslr/misc/main/session-sogs-prevent-disable-pm-dm-for-new-regular-users.sh
    chmod +x session-sogs-prevent-disable-pm-dm-for-new-regular-users.sh
    echo "You can view the file now or run it by executing: ./session-sogs-prevent-disable-pm-dm-for-new-regular-users.sh"
    Disallow all regular users from sending private messages:
    cd /var/lib/session-open-group-server/ && sudo wget -qc  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slrslr/misc/main/session-sogs-prevent-disable-pm-dm-for-regular-users.sh
    chmod +x session-sogs-prevent-disable-pm-dm-for-regular-users.sh
    echo "You can view the file now or run it by executing: ./session-sogs-prevent-disable-pm-dm-for-regular-users.sh"
    Deny long message:
    Ban user who posts too long text message (by default it is 10 pages of text - 10x1800 characters) - based on this Oddchat article:
    cd /var/lib/session-open-group-server/ && sudo wget -qc  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slrslr/misc/main/session-sogs-ban-large-long-message-poster.sh
    chmod +x session-sogs-ban-large-long-message-poster.sh
    echo "You can view the file now or run it by executing: ./session-sogs-ban-large-long-message-poster.sh"
    Cleanup banned user content:
    Delete messages and reactions (from all rooms, except user defined room) of a user who gets banned (meaning someone bans a user and automatically their content is removed from everywhere) - based on this Oddchat article:
    cd /var/lib/session-open-group-server/ && sudo wget -qc  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slrslr/misc/main/session-sogs-delete-banned-user-messages-reactions.sh
    chmod +x session-sogs-delete-banned-user-messages-reactions.sh
    echo "You can view the file now (and adjust your room name to be  excluded from messages removal) or run it by executing:  ./session-sogs-delete-banned-user-messages-reactions.sh"
    Last edited by Fli; 09-06-2024 at 04:26 AM.

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