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Thread: how to make money online

  1. #1

    how to make money online

    how to make money online from own website. describe full process.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

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    1. Make sure you follow "Google Quality Guidelines" for webmasters, google that phrase.
    That way you prevent your website be penalized in Google and make sure you have good and steady traffic from Google search engine.

    2. Publish only quality, useful, original content

    3. join affiliate program of some company which is selling products related to your website content. So this way your site visitors can buy related product/service and you get the commission. If your site is about cooking, you may google: affiliate program cooking

    4. join some advertising marketplace so you can get money for placing other people ads on your site. I am using Magenet and BuySiteAds and BuySellAds. You can google it.

    5. You can try Google Adsense (PPC) once your site is enough big (lets say 35+ pages of text) and has some visitors.

  3. #3
    Junior Member AlbertoEbert's Avatar
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    New York

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    There are lots of way by which you can you can make money from
    your website:-

    1. By selling Product.
    2. Displaying Adverts.
    3. Hosting Sponsored Content .
    4. Having a Subscription or Premium Membership.
    5. Take the help of affiliate marketing.
    6. Connect your site to google adsense.
    7. By selling ebook on your site.

    You can also take the help of social media such as Facebook,whats up, Instagram etc.
    Without promotion it is not easy to make the money.

    My advice is you should use the most trending platform. According to survey Facebook is one of the most trending platform for promotion of business.
    Last edited by AlbertoEbert; 03-02-2019 at 06:42 AM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member NancyHolmes's Avatar
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    Jul 2019

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    There are many more many online business by which you can earn money like:
    1.You can launch your own online app by using app script.
    2.By selling products online.
    etc and many other ways.

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