Pleased to offer you accommodation services any problem projects in the network.

Hosts almost everything, including malware, any kind of spam. No problem keeping any abuzy from spamhausa and so on.

Our services are:
- Hosting;
- VPS / VDS;
- Dedicated servers;
- FastFlux (hosting bots);
- Domain Name Registration;
- Administration of servers;
- Net network ip (addresses 256 and more);
- SSL certificates.

You'll forget about problems with hosting!

Only with us:
- Encryption of customer data on servers and logs off;
- Free basic setup of servers under your goals;
- Really stable FastFlux, lossless traffic;
- Always available pure IP;
- Free test drive for people with turnips.

Contact Ordering services:
- Jabber: frod[dog]xmpp.jp
- ICQ: 2306645

Those contacts. issued after a support order.
While working those. tech support - 24x7.