Every client is expecting the best features for the hosting service and choosing their hosting provider on basis of those features. Along with the features like unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space it is more important to have the money back guarantee with the hosting plans as sometimes providers are delivering the plans with limited features and clients can't claim for refund if there is no guarantee for money back. Prewebhost.com is one of the best affordable and reliable web hosting provider who is offering the 30 Days Money Back guarantee with their hosting services and delivering the claims within 24 hours after receiving the request from client.
Prewebhost.com is offering cheaper and max profitable hosting plans with amazing features like unlimited bandwidth, unlimited web space, unlimited subdomains, softaculous single click script installer, money back guarantee etc. Softaculous is a great Auto Installer having 391 great scripts, 1115 PHP Classes, so clients who are looking the hosting for script installations like wordpress, joomla, magento,buddypress, etc can go with Prewebhost's hosting services. Along with this Preweb is providing the free migration service, means we are committed to migrate the website contents from remote host to our hosting service and its free of cost.
Prewebhost has also started to provide the below GEO located based web hosting services and all this comes with the single domain hosting plan starting from $1/ Month, so go through our plans and allow us the chance to serve you. Below are the GEO Locations :
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Key Factors :
- Free #Migration
- Free Domain Transfer
- Unlimited Web Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Easy Billing Cycles
- Single Click Installer
- Latest Php, Apache And Mysql Versions
- Maximum Php Memory
- Max Mails Per Hour
- DDOS Protected Servers
- Private Nameservers
- 24x7 Support
- Instant Setup
- 30 Days #Money Back #Guarantee
- Stat Programs
- Softacolous Library
- Pre Notification Alerts For Suspension
- Different C Class #IP's
- SSL Without Dediciated IP
- Cheaper Domain Registration
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PrewebHost Hosting Solutions.
In Business Since 2010.