# This script working for me to check webpages that lists fake websites.
# Then it check server apache virtualhost file to discover if any of the mentioned sites is not hosted on local server.
# If is hosted, then notiffication is sent to an email address.
# i saved this script as /root/scamcheck/scamcheck
# then create file /root/scamcheck/webpagestoextract which contains URLs to be checked against scam sites, one url per line.
# setup cronjob like:
# */10 * * * * /bin/sh /root/scamcheck/scamcheck
hosteddomains=$(cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep "ServerName" | tr -d " " | sed -e "s/ServerName//g")
thisscriptdir=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
[email protected]
# Empty suspiciousdomainshosted file if its not younger 4 months (is older), so if abuser start hosting same domain, im alerted again (number is in hours)
find $thisscriptdir -name "suspiciousdomainshosted" ! -ctime -2880 -delete
for webpage in $(cat $thisscriptdir/webpagestoextract);do
#echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#echo "Download webpage $webpage content"
#echo "Check if any of listed domains (suspicious domains) on that page are hosted on this server"
#echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
curl --silent "$webpage" | grep -ahoP 'http[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)?' | grep -v "419" | grep -v "w3." | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | sed -e "s/http:\/\/www.//g" | sed -e "s/www.//g" | sed -e "s/http:\/\///g" | sort -u > $suspiciousdomains > /dev/null 2>&1
#echo "Extracted suspicious domains:"
#cat $suspiciousdomains
#echo ""
for suspiciousdomain in $(cat $suspiciousdomains);do
# is suspicious domain $suspiciousdomain hosted?
if [[ "$hosteddomains" == *"$suspiciousdomain"* ]];then
# it is hosted. we already have it in suspiciousdomainshosted file (already been reported)?
if [[ "$(cat $thisscriptdir/$suspiciousdomainshosted)" != *"$suspiciousdomain"* ]];then
# this suspicious domain was not on file so its new! lets add it to the file and send an email alert
echo "$suspiciousdomain" >> suspiciousdomainshosted && sort -u suspiciousdomainshosted
#echo "Suspicious domains hosted:"
#cat suspiciousdomainshosted
#echo ""
echo "New suspicious domain hosted on $(hostname). Source: $webpage
Check this domain and suspend it from hosting billing system if needed. This is an email from "scamcheck" script." | mail -s "New suspicious domain at $(hostname)" $adminmail
# echo "Done, if no output, it means no new suspicious domain that is hosted at this server."