It appears these Webalizer (program for generating website visitor statistics) processes eats alot of server resources, and moreover i cant access its stats from zpanel (shows blank page).
I think i got around 20 of such processes:
root 25249 1.3 0.1 44004 3220 ? D 00:12 0:01 | \_ webalizer /var/zpanel/logs/domains/zadmin/ -o /etc/zpanel/panel/modules/webalizer_stats/stats/zadmin/ -d -F clf -n
I tried to find "webalizer" phrasse in cron files:
# grep -Ril "webalizer" /etc/cron
only file found:
i disabled execution permission in hope system will not execute that cron file during daily job:
chmod -x /etc/cron.daily/00webalizer