Order anything on our website in Shared, Reseller or Master Reseller categories and avail 40% off for life time.
Shared Hosting - Plans start at $2.49
Reseller Hosting - Plans start at $5.49
Master Reseller Hosting - Plans start at $9.99
Windows Reseller Hosting - Plans start at $5.49
Our Common Features
- Free WHMCS or ClientExec Billing Software
- Free Domain Reseller Account
- Free Domain Names
- Free SSL Certificates
- Cloudlinux for a Stable Hosting Environment
- CloudFlare Support
- Attracta SEO Plugins
- Google Apps One Click Integration
- RVSkin and RVSiteBuilder Pro
- Latest cPanel & Softaculous included in all plans.
- WHM Reseller Panel for your to Create new account in Live-Real time
- WHMPHP Master Reseller (Allow you to create your own reseller) Newly Added Feature!
- Create mysql databases, sub domains, email accounts and many more.
- Online Webmail and FTP (includes Roundcube, Horde, SquirrelMail)
- CURL, ImageMagick, GD, PHP 5, MySQL 5, CGI, IonCube, Zend Optimizer and much more!
- No Hidden Fees
- Free Setup on all accounts
- High quality, fast and low latency Premium Bandwidth
- Virus and Spam email protection
- High performance, security and reliability with Raid protected space.
- 24x7x365 Server Monitoring
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- Money Back Guarantee
- Complete Website Backups using R1soft Technology
- 24x7 Live Helpdesk Support
To avail this order, just log in and place your order or reply to this mail.
Visit our website: www.***************
Direct Order Link: http://manage.***************/cart.php
Shared Hosting - Plans start at $2.49
Reseller Hosting - Plans start at $5.49
Master Reseller Hosting - Plans start at $9.99
Windows Reseller Hosting - Plans start at $5.49
Use the coupon code - 40OFF2015
There is no limit of No. of Orders and you can add as many you want during this period.
Happy Hosting!!!
Alex A