Hello, please anyone know/found way on how to restore data i sent via web form (POST method) thru web browser like Chrome?

What happend is that my session expired and back button do not make my submitted data to re-submit, it was nulled somehow

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possible solutions:
A) if browser "back" button do not show typed data, click Forward, you may get on question if u want to re-send web form data. one may try to log-in to that web account in secondary browser tab and then try to re-send data. Do not close that browser tab yet.

B) if the web form you typed text into using javascript the script might delete your text when you click browser back button, one may try clicking forward button and then disabling Javascript in web browser. This way when one click browser back button javascript is disabled and your filled text may not get deleted. tutorial on how to disable javascript

C) to recover lost web form typed data (text), install HEX editor that can browse your RAM (do not close web browser before recovering)
Hex editor like http://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ or maybe HeapMemView then open HEX editor app and select Web browser process to lookup its RAM data (HxD has "Extra" menu, and search for some word that you typed in your lost text....

D) Try to find Developer tools in your web browser being on the page where you lost the text. Click it go to something like Network and Show headers. Resend/refresh in the Dev. tools to see if the lost text is not in the shown headers. details there are also various browser plugins that can show page headers (just search at google play or similar store), example Firefox plugin

E) for future cases install browser plugin that saves all typed form data. Example Lazarus: Form Recovery (official page) (for chrome) (for firefox) good way is also to learn that before submitting any big text, be cautious and copy it into clipboard first. Also do your computer backups.