Hi, there are several guides and they are not easiest to follow.
changing yourforum.com/forum.php to yourforum.com might be an issue.
So how i did it:
1) using vBSEO
a) Go to your hosting file manager or FTP. In your root directory (public_html) there you can find index.php and forum.php. Rename index.php to index_old_blablabla.php and then rename forum.php to index.php
b) Then go to Your vbulletin control panel yourdomain.com/admincp , then go to Settings, Options, Forum Home: Options, and there change "Script Name for Forum Home Page" from forum to index. Save.
c) Then in vbulletin admin control panel yourdomain.com/admincp go to: vBSEO, Control panel, SEO functions, Homepage settings. There select "Force Forum Root as Homepage?" to Yes and "Define Homepage Aliases" add this:
Then Save. Now refresh yourdomain.com and you should be able to access forum from root. If you got any problem reverse the process backwards.
2) using renaming files and .htaccess only
Do the steps a, b from previous point 1 except vBSEO (step c). Instead of vBSEO use .htaccess redirect to redirect index.php to /
Add this into file named .htaccess (yourdomain.com/.htaccess)
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index.php
RewriteRule ^(.*)index.php$ http://mydomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
After you save this file and upload back, you should be able to refresh yourdomain.com page and see that its fixed. If not, please change everything back as it was. If everything went smooth, you may realise that in top navigation bar, Forum is linking still to forum.php. If that is so, enter vbulletin administration, go to Settings, Navigation Manager, and edit "Forum" link url to be "/".
You may also try this guide. It looks reasonable too.