
which handy Linux command line tools you know to give admin good image on data traffic size currently going on on the server?

i found "iftop" which is available in EPEL (redhat) i think, so installable via yum install iftop . It shows connections and amount of transfered data.

Next very handy tool i found nload (Network Load)

Name:  nload_1gbit_bigbrainglobal.png
Views: 209
Size:  5.2 KB
(the graph is sliding to the left in realtime, one can use arrows to browse other network interfaces beside eth0)

nload install:

Installing nload network datatransfer monitor with realtime graphs in/out data on Redhat CentOS 5.11 64bit ! (other Linux will work too probably)

cd /usr/src;wget  http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/nload/nload/0.7.2/nload-0.7.2.tar.gz
tar zxvf nload-0.7.2.tar.gz;rm -rf nload-0.7.2.tar.gz;cd nload-0.7.2
if found error "configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables", then do: yum install gc gcc++ *gcc-c++*

try again:

if found error "ncurses library or development files not found.", then i fixed by installing ncurses development pack:
yum install ncurses-devel
try again:
if no error:
make && make install

If one want to test network speed, one can use this: http://internetlifeforum.com/networking/4674-test-network-connection-speed-upload-download-linux-no-installation-required/