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Thread: How to find WordPress admin username and password from cPanel?

  1. #1
    Member hostitsmart's Avatar
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    Texas, USA

    How to find WordPress admin username and password from cPanel?

    Introduction :

    WordPress, a widely-used content management system (CMS), is known for its user-friendly interface and customizable features. However, it's not uncommon to forget your WordPress admin username and password. Thankfully, if you have access to your hosting cPanel, you can easily recover or reset these credentials. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to find your WordPress admin username and reset your password using cPanel.

    Note: This guide assumes you have access to your cPanel account and the necessary permissions.

    Step 1: Accessing cPanel:

    1. Open your preferred web browser and enter your cPanel URL. Typically, it's in the format: yourdomain. com/cpanel.

    2. Log in using your cPanel username and password.

    Step 2: Locating WordPress Databases:

    In the cPanel dashboard, scroll down to the "Databases" section and click on "phpMyAdmin."

    Once in phpMyAdmin, you'll see a list of databases on the left side of the screen. Identify the database associated with your WordPress installation. It usually follows the format:

    Step 3: Finding the Admin Username:
    Within the WordPress database, locate and click on the "wp_users" table. This table stores user information.

    Look for the row corresponding to your admin user. The user_login column contains the admin username.

    Step 4: Resetting the Admin Password:
    In the "wp_users" table, find the admin user's row.

    Click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) to edit the row.

    In the user_pass field, you'll see a long string of characters. This is your current hashed password.

    For security reasons, you can't directly view your old password, but you can reset it.
    Open a new tab and navigate to an online MD5 hash generator (e.g., https:// www. md5hashgenerator. com.

    In the MD5 generator, input a new desired password and generate the MD5 hash. Copy the generated hash.

    Return to phpMyAdmin and paste the MD5 hash into the user_pass field of the admin user's row.

    Save or update the row to save the new hashed password.

    Step 5: Logging into WordPress:

    Go to your WordPress login page http://your domain. com/wp-admin)

    Use the admin username you found in Step 3 and the new password you set in Step 4 to log in.

    Once logged in, consider updating your password within WordPress for added security.

    Important Security Tips:

    Regularly update your WordPress admin username and password.
    Use strong, unique passwords to prevent unauthorized access.

    Keep your cPanel and WordPress installations up to date to patch security vulnerabilities.

    Conclusion: Accessing your WordPress admin username and resetting your password through cPanel is a straightforward process that ensures you can regain control of your website.

    However, exercise caution and follow security best practices to prevent any unauthorized access to your website. Always keep your credentials safe and up to date.

  2. #2

    Is this useful / helpfull? Yes | No
    It would help if you went on Admin Cpanel. On Cpanel, go to the Database of your website that you have created. On that Database, search for the User table. You can see the User admin and Password and manage it according to your requirements.

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