What is your routine to stay in shape during the off season ?
In two months it will be a year I have been staying in the house. Only go out for groceries or apts. or to camp. I have had a couple of Physical Therapy 12 week sessions - 2 or 3 times a week apts and that really keeps limber. In addition they teach the exercises for me to work on areas that I need to. I like to swim but have decided to stay away from spas. Not sure if they are even open.
The latest on the U.K. mutant virus is that it IS 30% or 40% more deadly than the virus in the U.S. Be safe out there and get your shot. Even with shot keep your mask and distance until the all clear sign from Health Dept. Any antibodies you have will help if you get the virus but is not 100% you won't get it.
We need to get to 75% vaccinated to get herd immunity or we will be dealing with this in 2022.