Hello Forum Members
I want to know about XML sitemap and why XML sitemap is important for SEO. I will appreciate all your suggestions.
Hello Forum Members
I want to know about XML sitemap and why XML sitemap is important for SEO. I will appreciate all your suggestions.
Sitemap helps search engine to find all your website subpages, because sitemap usually lists all your website subpages.
To tell searche engine (like google) where is your sitemap file, you need to add line example "Sitemap: http://yoursite.tld/sitemap.xml" into your file robots.txt
Sitemaps must have certain format and robots.txt file too. to veriffy yours is correct, google: sitemap valid checker, robots valid checker
PS: sitemaps are usually automatically generated when used content management system like wordpress etc. there are special sitemap plugins for it. Also there are online tools that generate sitemap for any webpage (google sitemap generator online)
XML sitemap contains all the sub pages of the website.So it is very useful for SEO for ranking purpose, It tells the Google bot to crawl the page.
XML sitemap is a table of list of all the web pages in XML form that enhance rate of indexing of website that will help to increase overall weight of website and ranking.