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Thread: Need to know list of indexed / non indexed pages of your site at Google?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Need to know list of indexed / non indexed pages of your site at Google?

    Discover domains Google indexed pages /subpages and show URLs one per line

    Google Webmaster Tools can tell how many of the pages are indexed by google.
    Also one can easilly see by doing search at google site:yourdomain.tld .. it will show how many pages are indexed by google.
    But to show non indexed pages, that is more difficult.

    One can first set Google search to show 100 results per page, then do search "site:yourdomain.tld" and then go to this URL: http://internetlifeforum.com/other/extractserplinks.html
    and save link mentioned on that URL to the browser bookmarks (mouse drag and drop).

    Then when being on the google search page, and clicking that bookmark, it will show page with results i links, one link per line.

    SO we have indexed URLs.

    Discover list of domains URLs (subpages) that are NOT indexed by Google

    We get non indexed URLs list by comparing indexed URLs list we get in first step with the list of all URLs of our website. How to do it?

    Use some tool for creating sitemap (google: sitemap generator). Once you have list of links one per line, you can compare it with the indexed pages link list we got before.

    For comparing total URL list with indexed URL list (so we get non indexed URL list), try this tool (remove duplicated lines tool): http://tools.internetlifeforum.com/Remove-Duplicate-Lines.html (it will then show only non indexed pages....)

    this tutorial can be enhanced, do you know other ways to discover indexed and non indexed URL lists?

  2. #2
    Junior Member sapnajha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Is this useful / helpfull? Yes | No
    You should understand that Google is under no obligation to index ALL of your pages. You can submit sitemaps, jump through hoops, and do anything you like, but the number of indexed pages will likely stay the same. Google looks at the pages on your site that have unique content and are relevant to search queries, and these are the ones it indexes.

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