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Thread: What is clocking in SEO with example?

  1. #11

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    Cloaking in SEO is a black-hat technique where different content is shown to search engine crawlers than what is displayed to users. This is done to manipulate search rankings by making the page appear more relevant to search engines than it actually is.

    Example: A website shows a keyword-rich page to Google for better rankings, but regular visitors see a completely different page with minimal or unrelated content.

  2. #12
    Junior Member charukapoorimmigration's Avatar
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    Sep 2024

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    Cloaking in SEO is a technique used to show different versions of your website to search engines and users. In short, it’s a deceptive tactic meant to “cheat” the search engine’s algorithm by showing the search engine the kind of content it likes to see, even if users see something totally different.

    Examples of SEO cloaking

    IP cloaking
    User-agent cloaking
    HTTP accept-language cloaking
    Hidden text

  3. #13
    Junior Member Digital Marketing Insider's Avatar
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    Durgapur West Bengal

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    Clocking is a blackhead Digital Marketing technique that involves creating different versions of websites one for a user and another for a search engine.

  4. #14

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    Thanks for the explanation

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