
if you need to save some website for future / offline browsing, it is quite easy from Linux.

execute this command on command line:

wget -mk http://yourwebsite.com/
If your linux machine is a webserver, you may try to cd into web directory like:

cd /var/www/html
create new directory named mirror and go to that directory

mkdir mirror;cd mirror
then do the wget above

add "-w 2" (without quotation marks) after the wget command if you want to delay each request for 2 seconds
add "-q" (without quotation marks) after the wget command if you want to disable verbose output

if the website is large, alot of files and process can take many hours and you working on remote server via SSH, you should better run the wget via "screen" so closing terminal wont interupt operation

Option 2 - using well known advanced web coppier - Httrack

yum install zlib-devel
wget http://download.httrack.com/cserv.php3?File=httrack.tar.gz -O httrack.tar.gz
tar xvfz httrack.tar.gz
cd httrack-3.47.27
make && sudo make install
Then this start mirroring
httrack --ext-depth=1 http://yourwebsite.com
(add depth if needed)