im setting up prod. addons and config. options and i want to ask if any of these are available only during initial product order, menaing from client area, client cant order them further (i mean for example config. options maybe only initial order?)
Regarding email templates.
on product order can client receive an automated email created specially for config. option / product addon (for both?)
1. For the addons, the client can add these at any time during or after the initial order.
For the config options, you would need to make sure to tick the upgrade/downgrade option for config options under the product config upgrade tab and then they can add these after the initial order is placed in the client area.
They would go to Management Actions >> Upgrade/Downgrade options and they can then select any of the config options for that specific product/service.
Otherwise, they would need to order them on the initial order.
2. There is not a way to do this through the system by setting up certain emails to be distributed for a specific addon/config option, however you can edit the product details email to include details for these if ordered.
You might be able to do this with a Hook: ge