Many hackers and attacker are now ready now days. how to protect word press site from those ping attack, hacking site attack etc. Give your method for protecting.
Many hackers and attacker are now ready now days. how to protect word press site from those ping attack, hacking site attack etc. Give your method for protecting.
Thanks for Your question, please check my post here:
There you can find some tips on how to secure word press
Bad guys are everywhere who always seeks for opportunity to get the access of your site and it’s your duty to remain cautious and prepared before anything like this happens to you. It is better to use security related WordPress plugins on your site well before. One such tool that I use is SAR One Click Security on my blog. However, you can use any such tool that you find useful.
We can secure Wordpress with Wordfence plugin, Wordfence plugin can secure Wordpress easily.
For that you can check step by step process to use Wordfence plugin.