I need to learn some information about SEO. I am confuse the two terms black hat and white hat methods. Some people said that they don't sell black hat method. So what is black hat SEO method? What is problem with black hat method?
I need to learn some information about SEO. I am confuse the two terms black hat and white hat methods. Some people said that they don't sell black hat method. So what is black hat SEO method? What is problem with black hat method?
White hat and Black hat both are website optimization techniques. White hat optimization is a way of ethical optimization where webmaster follows all the rules and guide line for search engine.
But in Black hat optimization Webmaster doing everything for higher search results and don’t care search guide line and algorithms. It is also known Spam techniques of optimization.
Basically a white hat hacker is someone who does it but not with malicious intent or to gain something as a result of hacking. They do it to prove that they can do it and in fact they help identify weaknesses in computers which help software companies fix the flaws.
Black hat hackers do it with malicious intent and/or to gain something as a result of their efforts. They may try and extort money or something of value from the system in which they have compromised or they could plant virus to damage the system for what ever reasons they use to justify it.
Yes, right Whit hat and Black hat both are SEO techniques but Black hat provides you an instant search benefit but shot term because it is unethical way of optimization hence search engine given negative exposure.
SEO is the Two Type white hat seo and Black hat seo. White hat seo follow the Guide line of search engine. Black hat seo does not follow the Guide line of search engine.
White hat seo Follow the guide line of search engine. Black hat seo does not follow the Guide line of search engine.