Hi, i think its good to sumarize things to get organized and keep records for further reference.
So if You wish please tell what is your operating system and most used programs, or what is your computer / working setup?
PC: I have Dell Latitude D600, 1,6Ghz CPU, 2GB RAM, 4GB USB flash storage, around 1GB external linux server storage
OS: im running Linux Debian Tails OS from USB flash drive (the data are stored in RAM only)
Text editor OpenOffice Writer
Browser Mozilla with Tor + Chromium
Pidgin for Instant Messaging (can ym, skype, gtalk etc.)
Photo Editor called Mirage (can crop, resize)
Totem music/movie player
SSHFS for mounting remote server directory as local directory (so i have an storage space)
CryptKeeper SW for working with EncFS encrypted folders
Dropbox linux app (not used atm)
TrueCrypt linux app (not used atm)
PM-utils (allows to suspend PC and recover from RAM after night, sommand: sudo pm-suspend)
How works: 1) boot Tails OS from USB flash, 2) run script which install additional software, mount remote server directory with my sensitive encrypted data, then decrypt these data with Cryptkeeper by just entering password, the data are placed decrypted as an folder/links on desktop while stored only in RAM of the PC. Encrypted data are stored on remote linux server which is regularly backed up to another server by cronjob. Actually t work with around 2MB of m. documents (sensitive data) + non-crypted music etc. Most of m. data are stored in Gmail/google callendar which t regularly backup to external server.