
i have an Linux OS and on that is a Pidgin IM installed (client for instant messaging), i tried to add skype plugin into it using this webpage instructions: http://eion.robbmob.com/

There is written: "To install, run the deb package or copy libskype.so to the plugins
directory, normally /usr/lib/purple-2/ or ~/.purple/plugins"

That is what i did, i coppied all files:
libskype.so (32-bit)
libskype64.so (64-bit)
libskype_dbus.so (Finch 32-bit)
libskype_dbus64.so (Finch 64-bit)

to these two folders in usr/lib/purple-2 and also usd/lib/pidgin/plugins

but after pidgin start, i cant add skype protocol nor see any skype
plugin in plugins of pidgin...

The reason? Most probably because im on unsupported OS (Inkognito system called Tails).

BUT if you are in same condition - Installed plugin dont appear try to check this:

Are you able to get a debug log from pidgin of your plugins loading?
If you open the debug window in Pidgin ( Help - > Debug Window from the buddy list) then keep the debug window open and open the plugins list ( Tools - > Plugins) then close the plugins list and copy the output of the debug window here in this forum, that would help us to track down the problem.. it should describe errros happend during loading .so file of your plugin