View Full Version : How often are your websites deindexed?

12-24-2017, 12:58 AM
Do your websites, especially wordpress blogs get deindexed in google? If yes, how often do they get deindexed, and does it affect link sales?

12-27-2017, 02:33 PM
I only once lost the site from Google search. This was when it was hacked by web hackers and downloaded automatically generated content

01-07-2018, 11:39 AM
Are you using privacy protection for your websites?

01-24-2018, 11:27 AM
I use various options for placing sites. And did not notice the differences. Currently, Google has very fine-tuned its algorithms. Therefore, it's just that websites from indexing do not disappear. If you encounter such a problem, then look for critical errors on your sites or in the work of the hosting provider. The server may be working incorrectly or with problems.

Aditya Sharma
07-28-2020, 06:42 AM
The site should not look like part of the network for selling links (http://dpboss.net/). But even this does not guarantee. For example, one quality site in Sape.ru sells many links, the other - no. References are now bought with careful testing of various parameters (http://dpboss.net/).