View Full Version : How i setup Porteus Linux from flash disk

09-20-2017, 07:54 PM
I tried Porteus Linux on my old Pentium M non PAE, 2GB RAM laptop, i recommend it to be used as a Live Linux only (meaning that all changes and saved files will be lost when you reboot or shutdown. Else one will spend alot of time figuring out how to encrypt and save the changes. The process was not convincing and i lost changes a few times + faced issues awaking PC from suspended state where i was unable to return it to working state after awake (Ctrl+Alt+Del may work sometimes).

So i downloaded the i586 (32bit) .iso (see http://porteus.org) and loaded it to the flash disk using Windows software called Rufus (Universal USB Installer worked too).

Then clicked F12 key during computer start to select USB as a boot device. Then i was able to boot Porteus.

Porteus can be run these ways:
a) by copying OS into RAM and run completely from it (it was lagging on my old 2GB RAM PC)
b) running it from flash disk without saving any changes made in the live session.
Saving changes made in the session is possible thru Menu / System / Porteus Settings Centre. Another option for saving changes directly to flash drive is to use filesystem for the flash disk that is not FAT or NTFS.
c) in Porteus Settings Centre is also option to install Porteus to the HDD


default root password: toor
default guest password: guest

In Porteus I installed Firefox and Tor Browser. Click blue icon in the menu "USM" (Unified Slackware package manager)
and select Updates / Update All (if update takes too long, one can setup scripts (http://forum.porteus.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=7000) to modify repositories for faster speed)
Then restart USM and find tor, download package, then find firefox and download package. Then in USM, go to Tools / Porteus module tools / pkgtools / Install a slackware package / select package from /tmp/usm/ folder to install it. Then you can run it from the Porteus menu.

Make porteus require password to be unlocked:
as a root, edit /etc/slim.conf
set line:
auto_login no