View Full Version : What is Cloaking?

09-04-2017, 07:14 AM
What is Cloaking?

09-08-2017, 04:01 AM
Cloaking means disguising a link so that it doesn’t display the actual URL to which the visitor is sent when he clicks on the link. It is most often applied with affiliate links which have several severe disadvantages that can cost an affiliate money.

09-11-2017, 05:39 AM
Cloaking is the one of the OFF Page SEO technique. Cloaking is the process in which content presented to users is different from that presented to search engine crawlers. This is a spamindexing techniques.

09-11-2017, 07:26 AM
Cloaking is implemented in order to improve search engine ranking by misleading the search engine robot into thinking the content on the page is different than it really is. It is often used as a spamdexing technique to try to trick search engines into giving the relevant site a higher ranking.