View Full Version : cPanel: how to restore all/multiple full backups/cpmove files at once - Solution

08-31-2017, 05:26 PM

what is your solution to restore all cpanel full backups from one day, multiple cpanel backup files at once?

My Googling was not successfull and WHM surprisingly do not seem to support it now.

But i got advice from cPanel staff and so here is how i did that:

Example your cpanel backups (tar.gz files or CpanelUsernameHere folders) are in /backup/daily/2017-08-12/accounts/

i move them (.tar.gz or CpanelUsernameHere folders) into newly created /home2 folder
(mkdir /home2;mv /backup/daily/2017-08-12/accounts/* /home2/)

Then i move into that folder (cd /home2), go to screen (screen) and execute following command to start restoring all backups located in /home2 folder:

for backup in $(ls -A1 .|egrep -v "tmp|meta|pkgrestore");do /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restorepkg --allow_reseller $backup;done

i think after that command one may add " >> log" to be able to check what happened. Note that that it was said that restorepkg restore suspended accounts as unsuspended, so one have to then manually or automatically (via custom command) do selective suspension.

Do you know alternative approach to restore multiple all cpanel full backups?

Found another one here: https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/how-can-i-restore-multiple-accounts-from-cpanel-backups-v-2.609107/#post-2472435