View Full Version : Windows XP -> xUbuntu 17.04 switch, tutorial, review

08-24-2017, 11:27 PM

i was having Windows XP on my old Dell Latitude laptop (1.6GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, 30GB HDD) and decided to upgrade to a latest modern OS. I decided for Ubuntu Linux as i think this one has most packages for desktop work.

And decided for XFCE desktop environment as it is quite lightweight (alternative is Lubuntu (Lightweight X11 environment)). So the resulting OS was xUbuntu 17.04 and i used RedoBackup to backup my Windows HDD in case i want to revert. Then i used Unetbootin software to create Xubuntu bootable USB flash drive.

Restart PC and hit F12 key for boot menu right on PC start. Selected boot from USB. (if not there, one have to enable in Bios (Del or F2 key instead). First issue was with PAE. It complained kernel needs it and my CPU does not support it. The solution was to restart (Ctrl+Alt+Del), then in boot menu hit "Tab" key and edit the command by appending " forcepae" (without quotation marks) and Enter

Installation was long on a non SSD drive. I used Encrypted drive LVM 100% capacity.

After install i was unable to find package manager to install new software. There was some app, but shown only already installed SW. So i run "Terminal" application and run command: sudo apt-get install synaptic
Then run Synaptic from menu.

Then i installed this from synaptic:

stardict (3.0.1-9.3ubuntu1) - dictionary, add also appropriate language dictionary for it
wine-stable (1.8.7-1ubuntu1) - run some .exe Windows programs on Linux
playonlinux (4.2.10-2ubuntu1) - run some .exe Windows programs on Linux
q4wine (1.3.3-1) - run some .exe Windows programs on Linux
browser-plugin-vlc (2.0.6-4) - great media player VLC with many features

And this from terminal:
sudo apt install pulseaudio curl screen traceroute whois htop dstat nload lftp filezilla curl network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome alarm-clock-applet torbrowser-launcher viewnior keepass2 gufw shotwell mpv;sudo apt purge gnome-mplayer -y

VeryCrypt for encrypted containers or full disk encryption:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unit193/encryption
sudo apt update
sudo apt install veracrypt

Then i downloaded my OpenVPN .ovpn configuration file so i can use secure internet connection (VPN), here is how: https://internetlifeforum.com/security/8687-how-setup-vpn-openvpn-prevent-ip-leak-non-vpn-connections-linux-gufw/

Then i downloaded .deb file of a Mega.nz "Mega Sync" (https://mega.nz/sync) as i am using this online storage to backup and synchronize my data, including passwords file of the Keepass (software for storing passwords). And it works on Xubuntu 17.04.

I installed Tor browser (https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en#linux) as i am using it sometimes to stay anonymous.


PROS - built-in encryption of my data and ability, better security, ability to use Linux command line and associated tools, UFW firewall that allows precise definition of the network rules. Probably better isolation of the users on multi-user computers.

- "start" menu and categories takes 1 second to open (Lubuntu is instant), file manager takes 4 seconds to initially open.
- Default media player (Parole) not worked to play audio files out of the box
- installing new software is little complicated, it is not like downloading one .exe installator, but a bit more complicated, the ubuntu packages are .deb or one can search in Synaptic package manager. Regarding Synaptic package manager, it is not that fast to work with that on old computer. (like 5 seconds to finish search query). I prefer to google how to install certain software and then executing command via command line. (sudo apt install swname) Less software than for Windows, but all casual software is available, one just need to google and spend time searching in Synaptic package manager or google: ubuntu software description
- Next downside was that it took me maybe one hour to discover how to install printer drivers (https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2400045).