View Full Version : What are Good Quality Backlinks ?

07-18-2017, 11:15 AM
Hello friends,

What are Good Quality Backlinks ?

07-18-2017, 12:22 PM
Any link that you would build even if it didn’t help your search engine rankings on Google. Or better put, any link that delivers targeted referral traffic to your website.

07-18-2017, 12:23 PM
Backlinks are a very effective in improving SEO rankings.

Links that direct back to your website can generate good traffic towards your domain, thereby increasing domain authority.

High quality back-links are created when traffic to your website is directed via NGO’s, foundations, university webpages.

Low quality back-links can be made by answering questions, on ask, about or reddit. One can also put links back to their domain in comments sections or even create info-graphics that link back to the website.

The more the people click on these links the more traffic is generated toward your website. However, this should be kept in mind that the back-links should not look promotional they should be embedded in the answer or comment strategically enough, so as to not be blocked from the site that you are posting it on.

07-29-2017, 07:00 AM
Criteria of Good quality backlinks are Site Credibility, Site Trust Rank, Niche Relevance, Social Media Channels, Authority of website.