View Full Version : How to fix PHP Link Directory Smarty issue

09-09-2013, 07:35 PM
When loging into admin area or somewhere else in PHP Link Directory, you might experienced an error similar to this:

Notice: SmartyValidate: [is_valid] form 'login' is not registered. in /home/*/public_html/*/libs/smarty/SmartyValidate.class.php on line 274
PHP Link Directory
Administrator Login @ *
Uživatelské jméno
Notice: SmartyValidate: [validate plugin] form 'login' is not registered. in /home/*/public_html/*/libs/smarty/plugins/function.validate.php on line 46
Notice: SmartyValidate: [validate plugin] form 'login' is not registered. in /home/*/public_html/*/libs/smarty/plugins/function.validate.php on line 46

How to fix?

Delete cookies for last x hours, or delete them entirelly (if you wish to)

Cookies can be deleted usually from Internet browser Settings. In Chrome, it can be done from Settings / Advanced/Extend settings (link on the bottom), Clear browsing data (or similar), Cookies