View Full Version : WHMCS Smarty Error: Unable to load template file 'default/includes/alert.tpl'

07-16-2017, 09:16 PM
This is the error that appeared in the WHMCS log:

Smarty Error: Unable to load template file 'default/includes/alert.tpl' in '/home/myusername/public_html/modules/servers/cpanel/templates/overview.tpl'

Strange is that it is using "/home/myusername/" while my hosting path is: "/home1/myusername/", please in which file i can fix this or what i should search for in files to find the right spot to do editting?

UPDATE: maybe i found the cause. WHMCS was upgraded and new templates probably needs folder "includes" with certain files. My template was old so i had no "includes" folder in /templates/default", so i copied "includes" folder from /templates/six/ into /templates/default/

07-18-2017, 02:04 AM
WHMCS updates are often catastrophic events and it is highly recommended to perform manually, as opposed to using the new auto-update capabilities. Manual updates allow for exploration into changelogs, which can help catch these types of issues.