View Full Version : "Too many connections", what to do?

09-05-2013, 05:00 PM
What is the cause of this error?

"Too many connections"

Is it that hosting has limits and your website have higher amount of visitors and there is too many requests into mysql database at a time?

I think this may be cause of mysql setup /etc/my.cnf (i think) if you are not server admin and you cant change these limits / hosting company dont allow this, its time to pick another hosting for the site or move to VPS. Am i right?

11-17-2013, 08:24 AM
There may be limitation by the host to limit number of users, this generally should be fine for upto 500 users to hit the website at a time. It depends on the memory of the server and overall server load.

Hosting companies offering low cost packages often limit users to safeguard their server resources.