View Full Version : WHM/cPanel: Glue Check FAIL: Found differences between authoritative and parent NSs

06-18-2017, 07:45 PM
My website got nameserver issue where dnsinspect.com (https://dnsinspect.com) said:

Glue Check
FAIL: Found differences between information provided by your authoritative name servers and glue provided by the parent name servers:

ns1.hosting.com. @parent=[CurentServerIPhere] @ns=[OldServerIPhere]
ns2.hosting.com. @parent=[CurentServerIPhere] @ns=[OldServerIPhere]

The glue provided by the parent name servers has to match the data provided by the authoritative name servers.

intodns.com (https://intodns.com) returned similar thing:

Looks like the A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are different than the ones got from your nameservers. You have to make sure your parent server has the same NS records for your zone as you do.

If i understand right,
- Parent nameservers are ones set in the domain registar client area or maybe inside hosting.com webhosting account, DNS section or inside Cloudflare, myhosting.com, DNS section (in case domain is using CF)
- Authoritative nameservers are set inside so called DNS zone files on the server where the GLUE failing domain (the one we check on intodns, dnsinspect) is hosted.

After deleting authoritative nameserver zone files on the WHM server CurentServerIPhere:

/scripts/killdns ns1.hosting.com
/scripts/killdns ns2.hosting.com
/scripts/killdns ns3.hosting.com
/scripts/killdns ns4.hosting.com

there was no longer an issue with non matching glue , because dnsinspect.com said:

OK. No differences found. The glue provided by the parent name servers has to match the data provided by the authoritative name servers.

and the intodns.com said:

Same Glue The A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are the same as the ones got from your nameservers.
which means no problem.

So the solution was to either
A) delete authoritative nameserver zone files which had wrong (old) IP inside them. Delete them on server where the site with mismatching glue is hosted.
B) maybe trying to update IP inside that files (/var/named/ns*.*.*), but files may need change serial number and reload named maybe to apply changes)