View Full Version : Remote posting not working for wordpress blog

05-26-2017, 01:53 AM
For a specific wordpress blog, remote posting is not working, does anyone have any tips to troubleshoot and fix the problem. The user name / password is valid and is tested separately

05-26-2017, 07:18 AM
maybe the script or app you are using for remote posting has some kind of logging feature which can tell you any possible errors that happen when trying to create post.

Also you may check access log on the server where your wordpress site is hosted and see if you can find any log line describing what happened with that request.

Wordpress needs XML RPC enabled for remote posting. If you do not know how to enable it, google: how to enable xml rpc

05-28-2017, 01:22 AM
I have about 15 webhosting accounts for PBN, I am facing the problem for only 2 webhosting accounts with wordpress blogs
XMLRPC was working fine till 21 may 2017, after that it suddenly stopped working for 2 webhosting accounts only. Some of the webhosting companies are not replying to the support ticket
No changes were made in the settings
Anyplace where I can get quick help

05-28-2017, 09:24 AM
I have about 15 webhosting accounts for PBN, I am facing the problem for only 2 webhosting accounts with wordpress blogs
XMLRPC was working fine till 21 may 2017, after that it suddenly stopped working for 2 webhosting accounts only.
When i face strange issues with Wordpress sometimes, i try to rename /wp-content/plugins/ to /wp-content/plugins2/ and refresh/reload your wordpress blog homepage in web browser (not admin area). Try to post via XML RPC again, rename plugins2 folder back to plugins. if it worked when plugins was renamed, then some plugin is the issue, try to disable/enable one by one.

Sometimes i also backup my Wordpress files, download appropriate (check /wp-includes/version.php) original WP files from https://wordpress.org/download/release-archive/ and copy them to my site overwriting old ones.

Anyplace where I can get quick help
try to Google this: wordpress forum
In that forum, describe how you set the XML RPC setting in the Wordpress admin area, which tool you use to post via XML RPC and which error you can see when trying to post. Also any possible log files (error_log) on your wordpress hosting.