View Full Version : KloxoMR DNS wrong DNS IP issue related to OpenVZ VPS template

05-02-2017, 12:21 PM
This tutorial apply only on the server running KloxoMR control panel.

When one is using OpenVZ/VPS template where KloxoMR is already installed, it is possible that old IP that was used to create template still remains in new server configuration files, so domains may show wrong IP when tested via tools like http://intodns.com

Here is how to change DNS IPs from old to new:

Login your VPS via SSH (software called: PuTTY)
server: your VPS IP
port: 22
username: root
password: one that was sent to you via e-mail once you ordered VPS

and execute commands:
sh /script/fixdnschangeip --oldip=WRONGOLDIPHERE --newip=YOURCURRENTVPSIPHERE
service named restart