View Full Version : Steps to make KloxoMR working & add domain

04-15-2017, 10:46 AM
How to add domain into KloxoMR and setup a website?

-2) Received alert: "Alert: Lxguard for this server is not configured.

Click the link or Go to the top menu in KloxoMR, mouse over menu item "Security", click sub-item "LxGuard".

-1) Received alert: "Alert: The identification name for your mail server is not set.

Click the link or Go to the top menu in KloxoMR, mouse over menu item "Basic", click sub-item "Mail Server Settings". Enter your domain name as a Name and save.

0) Received alert: "Alert: Need update php.ini" ?

Click the link or Go to the top menu in KloxoMR, mouse over menu item "Basic", click the "localhost" link next to the "PHP configure" and submit the form.

1) Received alert: "Alert: No DNS template" ?

Click the link or Go to the top menu in KloxoMR, mouse over menu item "Resource", click sub-item "DNS Templates".
Fill in some template name, example: mytemplate
Fill in primary and secondary DNS. Example primary DNS: ns1.yourdomain.com ; Example secondary DNS: ns2.yourdomain.com
!!!!! Make sure these DNS ns*.yourdomain.com are registered inside your domain registar (godaddy, namecheap,namesilo...) control panel. Ask your registar how/where to register nameservers. Nameservers should be set to point to your server IP address. Example:
ns1.yourdomain.com ->
ns2.yourdomain.com ->

2) Refresh IP:

Login KloxoMR, in the top menu, find "Resource", mouse over this item and next to the sub-item "Re Read IPaddress" click "localhost"

3) Switch webserver and PHP type:

Login KloxoMR, in the top menu, find "Server", mouse over this item and click "Switch Program". There change webserver to nginx and then back to apache. This step is necessary to fix issue with Apache.

In the top menu, mouse over item "Basic", then click "Webserver configure", then switch "PHP Type" to "suphp_event" and Update. Then to enable Ioncube support, try to select "php56m" on same page under "Multiple PHP Install" and move it to the "Selected" area. And Update.

4) Add domain:

Login KloxoMR, in the top menu, find "Tasks", mouse over this item and select sub-item "Domains".
There fill the form to add new domain.
Domain Name: yourdomain.com
Document Root: /home/admin/yourdomain.com
click "Add"

5) check DNS

check that your domain nameservers, DNS is properly configured:
(no red warnings, orange ones are acceptable) If it shows red warning and an IP which you does not recognize next to your nameservers, check this page (https://internetlifeforum.com/linux-forums/7713-kloxomr-dns-wrong-dns-ip-issue-related-openvz-vps-template/).

6) upload a website files/scripts

Login KloxoMR, in the top menu, find "Tasks", next to the "File manager" sub-menu item click "admin".

7) create MySQL database if needed by your website system

Login KloxoMR, in the top menu, find "Tasks", next to the "MySQL databases" sub-menu item click "admin".

8) Setup SSL certificate for the domain

This is optional step, more information here (http://internetlifeforum.com/linux-forums/7609-kloxomr-how-setup-free-ssl-certificate-letsencrypt-org/).


Need to host more websites/domains?

To host websites for more domains on a single KloxoMR server, register a domain name and point it to a nameservers you registered in step "1)". Then add domain into KloxoMR according to step "4)" of this tutorial.


ISSUE: You visit a website hosted on the KloxoMR and it downloading files or showing source code instead of showing a webpage.
SOLUTION: Make sure you followed step 3) Switch webserver and PHP type. Then try to login your server via SSH (login credentials sent to you when VPS was ordered) and issue command: sh /script/restart-all

ISSUE: The file /home/admin/*/index.php is corrupted. Ensure that you use binary mode when transferring files with FTP and disable the 'TAR smart cr/lf feature' if using WinZIP
SOLUTION: Try to disable Tar smart cr/lf feature in your archiving app and archive&upload files again. Or use different archiving app (7zip (http://www.7-zip.org/)), or try to archive files using different archive format (.tar or .gz) or try to upload files using FTP (KloxoMR/domains/domainname/FTP)

ISSUE: Site error: the file /home/admin/*/*.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.6.so to be installed by the site administrator.
SOLUTION: Make sure you followed step 3) and or login the server via SSH (login details in the e-mail received when VPS was ordered) and execute following commands:

cp -p /etc/php.d/01-ioncube-loader.nonini /etc/php.d/01-ioncube-loader.ini
sh /script/restart-all
reload/refresh webpage