View Full Version : How to change/start/auto-start webserver (Apache,Lighttpd, Nginx) in KloxoMR?

04-15-2017, 09:02 AM
How to change/switch between webservers in KloxoMR?

To switch it between Apache, Lighttpd, Nginx, use top menu in the KloxoMR. There is item "Server" when mouse over, there is sub-item "Switch Program".
After you switch webserver, make sure that the webserver service is running and set to auto-run at server boot. Continue reading to learn how to do it:

How to start/stop/restart/auto-start some service?

There is alot of services you can start/stop/restart/auto-start in KloxoMR:

  djbdns tinydns    DjbDns Dns Server
  hiawatha hiawatha    Hiawatha Web Server (use by Kloxo-MR)
  httpd httpd    Apache Web Server
  iptables iptables    IPTables Firewall
  lighttpd lighttpd    Lighttpd Web Server
  mysql mysql    MariaDB Database
  mydns mydns    MyDNS Dns Server
  mysqld mysqld    MySQL Database
  named named    Bind Dns Server
  nginx nginx    Nginx Web Server
  nsd nsd    NSD Dns Server
  pdns pdns    PowerDNS Dns Server
  php-fpm php-fpm    Php Fastcgi Process Manager (Php Used)
  pure-ftpd pure-ftpd    Pure-FTPD FTP server
  qmail qmail    Qmail-toaster Mail Server
  squid squid    Squid Web Cache
  trafficserver trafficserver    Apache Traffic Server Web Cache
  varnish varnish    Varnish Web Cache
  yadifad yadifad    YADIFA Dns Server

Use top menu in the KloxoMR. There is item "Server" when mouse over, there is sub-item "Services"