View Full Version : Plugin: If post title contains certain word/certain categor, relevant Ad is displayed

08-02-2013, 12:32 PM

i cant believe such Wordpress plugin is not yet available?

This plugin works the way that admin wants to promote several Banners/affiliate programs on his multi niche blog. He wants the ads to be relevant.

So thru this plugin he is able to add list of words (word phrasses, or incomplete words like: wordpre*) and also he add relevant html code to be shown when this word exist in post title (when page is loaded).

Meanining Above the post text and below post title in Wordpress blog Post page (Single.php), there will be code which will show relevant Ad/banner.

Plugin can work also with categories, so admin can set an Ad to be visible in all posts in certain wordpress posts category.

Plugin should work so dont consume almost none of server resources. Lightweight, yet compatible into future with never Wordpress versions.