View Full Version : Web Directories in SEO still effective or not.

12-02-2016, 01:05 AM
Hello Everyone !! Web Directories in SEO still effective or not.

01-28-2017, 06:28 AM
Yes , Web directories are still effective in SEO for getting some back links depends upon the sites.

01-28-2017, 07:41 AM
They work for me.

01-29-2017, 08:30 AM
Web directories is a thing of the past. I would avoid posting links on such sites at all cost. You are only going to get yourself into trouble if you decide on post on such directories.

You are just repeating "google propaganda". If you will be able to post unique title, description , keywords in each and every directory submission, that would means that your directory presentations will be unique right?

...and so on....

Based on that, every one of those web presentations of your business will get indexed - because it is simply unique content. Right?

Or even better: After google updates, those directory presentations of your web business will not get filtered by G as duplicate content - ergo links will NOT dissapear /you are calling it: "You are only going to get yourself into trouble if you decide on post on such directories"/. I am calling it: link filtrations, devaluation.

Now please dont try to tell us, that google WILL penalized backlink from page that it is inside of his index.

The thing is: English speaking countries /UK,US/, reapeat "what G says", but thanks to the fact that I am in central EU I have an opportunity to see "how things works" on different language platforms in different countries /CS,SK,HU,PL,..../, that is not really in alignment with the "mainstream" /if I can say it politely/.

You dont believe me? Go look to "India".

02-08-2017, 01:49 PM
Webmaster may have their opinion about the effectiveness of using web directories for SEO. Some of the directories may still be effective, but many of the directories have become spammy, and their quality has degraded. Search engine algorithm considers such spammy directories not useful for users and thus they are not effective for SEO currently. But still there are few directories that have some value, and the websites listed on these reputed directories are having better positions in SERPs.

02-10-2017, 09:36 AM
i agree with @podo609 that backlinks from link directories (web directories) can be SEO beneficial.
I think it depends if you use unique and meaningful texts for each directory submission. Also i think it can be risky to use too short text, so the text to link ratio would be bad. Also i would advise against doing bulk directory submission as i would think google may detect too many submissions as unnatural linkbuilding. And last thing is to use only quality directories with good ranking (see MOZ rank).