View Full Version : How to change OpenVPN server/client port number

11-13-2016, 09:51 PM
Default OpenVPN port might be 1194 and i wanted to switch to port 443 because of near zero chances this port will be closed when accessing from restricted network. And hopefully less chances ISP will limit the bandwidth maybe.

THIS NOT WORKED: I tried to modify client file (C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\MyVPN.ovpn) and then server file (/etc/openvpn/server.conf ?) and restarted OpenVPN service (on CentOS by command: service openvpn restart) BUT from that time i was unable to connect.


I do not use any OpenVPN provider, i run my own OpenVPN server (setup according to this tutorial (http://internetlifeforum.com/security/4675-how-setup-private-openvpn-linux-server-windows-client/)).

What i did is run this command from Linux server on which should be OpenVPN server installed:

wget https://git.io/vpn -O openvpn-install.sh && bash openvpn-install.sh

I selected option to remove OpenVPN
Then i run the command again and selected to setup OpenVPN server and used port 443 during setup.

Then it told me my client config. file is ~/client.ovpn

so i listed that file contents: cat ~/client.ovpn

and pasted it into: C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\MyVPN.ovpn

Worked, torrent seems to work when i set 443 port, web browsing works too.

01-24-2017, 05:23 AM
Using web interface to easy change your OpenVPN server
Go to login tWeb interface using the below URL

After to click “Network tab” and then provide specific “Address”