View Full Version : buying a macbook

09-16-2016, 06:46 AM
Hi All,

I have been an avid PC user and have recently had to use a work macbook, which I have really become comfortable with, I am now looking to buy a used macbook pro and then realised that there are companies out there that sell refurbished apple computers and refurbished macbook pros.

I cam across this company which is fairly local to where I live - albeit they are an e-commerce site, londonmacs.

ive seen a few computers that I feel would be good options namely, refurbished macbooks.

Im just wondering if anyone has suggestions on if it is safe to purchase a refurbished macbook?


09-18-2016, 06:51 PM
I bought refurbished laptop and using it many years, they usually give some guarantee in my country, so look if it is common in your country to provide guarantee for refurbished computers and request it.