View Full Version : HyperVM development installation Guide

07-29-2016, 11:24 PM
wget https://raw.github.com/lxcenter/hypervm/dev/deploy-dev.sh sh deploy-dev.sh [master/dev]

HyperVM development version is now going to be prepared. What is it doing? It is downloading/compiling/installing git tools if not exists at your system. Then it downloads the complete sourcecode from github and packs hypervm. Then the normal installation process has to be started and the installer is using the packed hypervm version and not downloading it from the download server as this would use the production version and that we don't want to have.
Updating You can update your HyperVM Development version with git tools. Any new code changes, you can have them also. To get new updates go to /usr/local/lxlabs and run:

git pull

Restarting It depends on the new code you get but you might have to restart HyperVM.

/etc/init.d/hypervm restart

For installing "stable" version, here is the guide: http://internetlifeforum.com/virtualisation/5784-about-hypervm-requirements-installation/