View Full Version : digicube.fr review (got a server from them)

03-03-2016, 01:09 PM
Do You have any experience with DigiCube.fr ?

It is budget dedicated server provider similar to kimsufi.com or online.net

Ordered server, paid via paypal
I ordered a dedicated server and i was able to pay via Paypal. (Client have to Paypal subscribe, so be carefull to cancel subscription on time from within Paypal account. also request cancellation on time before due date if needed)

Error 404 after payment
After paypal payment, it shows an error 404 page on digicube.fr. Fortunatelly i was able to jump a few steps back to a page where it provided URL to go to after payment. I notiffied them via support ticket, it got closed without response.

24 hours to get server
I waited maybe very approximatelly 24 hours and i got notiffied via email that i can find server in the customer area (https://www.digicube.com/console/)

I got some BIOS issue cost me almost 3 days i could not use server
I had installed Debian Linux instead of CentOS. When i submitted reinstall request from customer area, it never completed. After submitting several tickets i got reply after 48 hours (quite a long time) that it was issue with the BIOS and now all works. I requested server renewal date be adjusted for the days i was unable to use server and they did it (so they are flexible, thank you)

Everything is in french
Please note all automated emails and customer area - all are in french language, so i use Google Translate
When i submitted some support ticket i spoken english and sometimes i got french response and sometime short english.

48 hours to receive reply on support ticket

Overal DigiCube.fr rating
im happy with the server price/value and also i believe most of the customers will not have BIOS problem like me. I would give this provider try again, but only if i can afford to wait like up to 48 hour for setup. And afford slower support response time.

03-05-2016, 10:39 AM
Thank you for review really cheap price, just want to ask how many IPs they offer per server?

03-05-2016, 05:55 PM
how many IPs they offer per server?
When you click order button, you can customize server and see maximum IP is: 8 and it is +14€ HT/mois