View Full Version : WTT: Escrow service via Bitcoin, WesternUnion, PerfectMoney

01-26-2016, 10:35 AM

i can offer domain/website/other intangible goods escrow/middleman service between buyer and seller. This escrow/middleman service is ideal for worried buyers/sellers who need peace of mind and no worries about bad trade partner.

Both parties (buyer,seller) must read this webpage to get familiar with the escrow process and by requesting my escrow/middleman service, buyer/seller agrees to the process/rules mentioned on this page.

Service highlights:

- my profit is only $10
- buyer may pay just $20 fee for the escrow where he gets free 1 year domain renewal ($10 value) in that fee!
- seller pays just $1 non refundable fee
- around $15 cheaper than escrow.com
- more flexible than escrow.com and with personal touch/asistance
- peace of mind for the buyer that he receives domain and also website as-is running on the domain
- peace of mind for the seller that buyer will not get his files/domain without seller getting money safely without any chargebacks

Contact: escrow must be be done via PM system, for pre-sale questions, one can use this contact (http://chat.epips.net/chat.php)

Important rules/details to agree:
- Maximum value of the transaction: $700
- Accepted payment methods: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, WesternUnion
- For the smooth transaction, domain will be transferred to the escrow (not to the buyer) and renewed +1 year for free. Buyer can instruct me to change nameservers. Domain will be hold for 60 days and then it can be transferred to the buyer who needs to pay his domain registar the domain transfer fee which is usually roughly $10
- If also website+database is subject of the sale, buyer can pay optional +$20 fee and i (escrow) will setup the website on my server and provide buyer link so he verify website is working and same of what seller is advertising.
- buyer and seller can cancel escrow anytime (if domain transfer was not yet initiated), but the whom cancel the escrow will not be returned any fee
- me, escrow is not liable for the seller action after the escrow is complete, seller is responsible to no longer use/sell/share data he sold to the buyer and all copyrights will belong to the buyer
- buyer can pay using Bitcoin only if seller is willing to accept Bitcoin payment, otherwise buyer needs to pay additional fee worth 5% of the domain/website sale price. If seller is willing to accept Bitcoin, he agree to receive same bitcoin amount the buyer sent no matter how many days passed after buyer sent money (USD/BTC conversion rate may change)
- In case buyer pays using WesternUnion, he needs to send +$35 non-returnable escrow fee


1) Buyer and seller get in contact and come to an agreement to use this escrow service. In case buyer wants to pay using Bitcoin, seller must agree to receive money via Bitcoin. Otherwise buyer pays me (escrow) additional 5% fee for payment method conversion.

2) Buyer and seller needs to send me a private message (PM)

Buyer message content:
Hello, i want to buy domain name DomainNameHere (and also its website+database) from ILF member MemberNameHere for the price of $XXX/฿XXX and i want to pay this amount + escrow fee of $20 (+ optional $20 fee for esrow to test/veriffy the website files) via PaymentMethodHere. Please send me your account number.

Seller message content:
Hello, i want to sell domain name DomainNameHere (and also its website+database) to ILF member MemberNameHere for the price of $XXX/฿XXX and i want to pay escrow fee of $1 via PaymentMethodHere. After transaction is complete i want to receive buyers money via PaymentMethodHere to the account number XXX.

NOTE: as a PaymentMethodHere you set how you want to pay/be paid: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin or WesternUnion

3) Once i receive message from buyer and seller and they match domain name and prices, i will reply seller & buyer with my money account number.

4) Once both members transferred the escrow fees ($1 seller, $20 buyer) and the buyer sent me the money for the domain/website ($XXX/฿XXX), i will send the seller this private message:

Hello, i received $XXX/฿XXX from the buyer to buy your domain name DomainNameHere (and also its website+database)?. Im now prepared to release this money to you once you transfer the domain (and website+database if they are subject of the sale) to me. (After 60 days. domain will be transferable tot he buyer directly). Please kindly following these steps to do that:

1) unlock your domain for the transfer in your domain registar control panel
2) make sure that the email address mentioned in the domain contact/whois is valid and you can receive email on that email address
3) obtain transfer code (sometimes called AuthCode, AuthInfo) for your domain in your domain registar control panel and send this code to me in reply to this private message and i will initiate domain transfer
4) i will let you know once that is done so you will check your domain email for new email to confirm the domain transfer
5) if the website+database is the subject of the sale, please send me (escrow) an archive with website files and mysql database. I will not release your precious website data to the buyer without you getting money. If i release them, it means you will be getting money. You are safe in this.
6) once domain transfer is complete, your domain registar release domain to my domain registar (within around 7 days) and buyer/me verify that the website data you provided are genuine/as advertised, i will forward money to you, the seller. This should happen within 14 days.
7) transaction is complete

5) i will send the buyer this message once he sent the money:

Hello, i received Your money and i contacted seller giving him instructions on how to transfer domain (and website files, if they are subject of sale) to me (escrow).

If the seller do not complete transfer within 14 days, i will ask you for a permission to transfer your money back to your account, including escrow fees.

Once he complete transfer of domain/website, depending on your purchase type, i will either:

a) just forward the website files to you (i am not checking whether files are genuine or not, i will just check if there is mysql database and files that appears to be website files) and at same time im transferring your money to the seller because he already transferred domain and files to me. This happens if you did not ordered $20 website checking service

b) if you ordered website checking service for $20, i will setup a website out of files seller given me to check whether it is genuine website and i will provide you link so you can check the website is all right. Once you confirm its all right, your money will be sent to the seller as i already have his domain and files that are verified genuine. At same time i will send you website files and after 60 days you can transfer also domain to yourself. 60 days is because of the domain registars limitations. I can still set domain nameservers to ones you select. So you can immediately start managing your new website you purchased.

I will keep you updated. Thank you and please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

6) once i receive website+database from the buyer (if these are subject of the sale) i will send this message to the buyer:


i am pleased to tell You that the seller of the domain DomainNameHere released his domain and it is now available for you. Also he sent me the website files and now it is your turn to confirm me that the website files are genuine/correct. I setup the website out of files seller given me, here you can browse it: http://testingdomain.tld

Please confirm that the website looks genuine/right by replying this message of mine. If i do not hear from you within 14 days, i assume it is all correct and i will send you the website files and domain transfer authorization code + send your money to the seller.

Please kindly let me know. Thank you