View Full Version : Need help with conversions on Dating website

12-09-2015, 07:53 AM
Hi there.

I have a website hotdate4u.co.za

The site is growing very rapidly. At the moment we rank no 3 for free online dating. We get tons of traffic and we get almost 50 - 100 sign ups a day.

The problem is we are not converting the sign ups into sales.

We have a free 1 month membership as well as 3 premium membership packages.

I would like some suggestions on how we can get more sales.

We are also looking for ways to monetize the site with affiliate ads.

12-09-2015, 09:00 AM
Are you giving enough value for the price of the premium/paid membership?
Does free members easilly see what they will get by ordering paid membership?
Is order looking enough simple, supporting well known payment method?

i would think about that questions.

Regarding monetization, google: dating affiliate

12-10-2015, 09:32 AM
I think that us my biggest problem. I need to build value in the premium packages. I need to give users a reason to choose the premium packages.

I am not a programmer and can not code php so I am stuck to use the features that theme has.

The differance between the free membership and the premium membership is that the premium membership can ad more photos, send more messages and has a live chat feature.

How do I build value in that?

01-20-2016, 05:26 AM
The ultimate goal of this set-up is to gain profits and make money but I am also agree with @admin. Nobody gonna pay strait before trying so it would be better option to give more features in a basic profile for a limited time. It will also surge visitors to try your dating platform and if you are really offering what they are looking for then they will definitely buy premium membership

09-26-2018, 11:48 PM
Lock some features like user cannot send the private messages to members, or can send private messages to limited number of members, or the free membership user can see profile picture of a user and cannot see all the pictures of other members, this way restrict some features which visitors tends to use, and then you can get premium membership signups or increased sales, that is what i think.