View Full Version : auto rickshaw advertising services

11-19-2015, 01:57 AM
With the years of understanding and vast familiarity, we are affianced in presenting a comprehensive assortment of Auto advertising services to meet the requirements of our patrons. These services are done under the observance and guidance of the trained professionals that make sure their long lasting service. Apart from this, we are offering these services at budget friendly rates.

with us, auto rickshaw advertising (http://www.auto-advertisement.com/auto-rickshaw-advertising-in-delhi/) services is the most effective and affordable medium of outdoor advertising. Standing out from the clutter of hoardings, posters, banners and kiosks, this walking medium goes to every part of the city, 24 hours a day, as it manoeuvres into even those areas which other vehicles cannot reach!

Millions of your target audience such as men, women and children on the road, in their Marutis/Audis, on their Bajajs, in buses/taxis/rickshaws fall within the catchment area of a branded auto. And they cannot miss the branded auto even if they tried!

The best feature is that the entire traffic conspires to become your captive audience at traffic junctions where people need something to read while waiting for the lights to turn green.

02-02-2016, 11:50 PM
Can you send advertising rates

02-04-2016, 04:39 AM
please give me ur email id & location where you want auto rickshaw branding.